(even if you are struggling with anxiety from years...)
Wednesday 29th December
7:30 PM - IST
Why you are getting into the anxiety loop and experiencing panic attacks even when you are trying to be positive, using affirmations, therapy and hundreds of different tools and techniques
The single most important secret to live an anxiety free life without drugs, medication, years of therapy and beating yourself up
The exact process our clients use to smash their anxiety so that they can lead with power and confidence
Why asking friends and relatives for support, self blaming, fighting your emotions yourself is the worst way to combat your anxiety, depression and panic attacks and what you need to do build your support system
The 4 shifts you need to make today to stop anxiety from controlling your life
and... The ultimate visualization to release any guilt, remorse and painful emotional baggage from the past!
Pratishtha Bhalla is the CEO and creator of Anxiety Free Leader. She helps leaders suffering from chronic anxiety and panic attacks to live an anxiety free life.
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